SNS Immune Support XT Review

Serious Nutrition Solutions has been a household name for quite some time. If you’ve been a consumer in the supplement industry for a while, chances are you’ve used something from their huge and incredibly diverse product line, ranging from single ingredient products to clinically dose 10 ingredient formulas. If you know of SNS, then you probably also realize that they have products for EVERYTHING, and we mean everything. From energy, nootropics, and fat loss products, to muscle gain, sports performance, overall health, and as of late 2019, an immune support product was added to their line with the release of Immune Support XT.
We’ve been taking the recent Covid19 situation very seriously here at Modern Athletic Health HQ, and although we’re now working 100% remotely, we still want to provide our readers with cutting edge reviews and updates on products to help them through this pandemic. Although we are not stating or suggesting that Immune Support XT can cure or treat any illnesses, viruses or diseases, this powerful immune support product can certainly be a benefit now and year round with its extensive, comprehensive and thoughtful immune boosting formula. Keep reading below to find out our full review and breakdown of SNS’ hottest new product.
What is Immune Support XT?
Immune Support XT is a 7-ingredient, clinically dosed immune support product that was designed to boost your body’s own immune function and contains ingredients that have been clinically shown to reduce the duration of the common cold. Let’s face it, were constantly on the go for work, exercise, our kids, and any other demands that come with an active and productive lifestyle. Couple our daily responsibilities and stressors with the unfortunately common lack of sleep plus a standard American diet and it becomes very easy to fall short in providing our body with what it needs to fight off sickness! That’s where products like Immune Support XT step in.
Usage Recommendations:
A full serving of Immune Support XT (3 capsules) contains essential vitamins, minerals, and over 1500mg of powerful antioxidants and immune boosting compounds. A bottle of Immune Support XT can last you anywhere from as few as 10 days and up to 40 days depending on how you choose to use it. SNS suggests taking 3 capsules 1-2 times per day for general health and immunity support, or, you can take up to 12 capsules per day for intensive use, for example when you wake up and suddenly have that itchy throat, headache and cough. These doses can be spread out in 4 or 3 capsule servings however, for reviewing purposes, were going to discuss the recommended ’maintenance’ dose of 3 capsules per day which yields a 40 day supply! Again, it’s important to note that Immune Support XT does not claim to treat or prevent ANY illnesses, but we do think it’s important to do whatever you can to keep your immune system running in tip top shape all the time, especially when athletic health and gym performance is a priority.
Ingredient Profile: Now that you know what Immune Support XT sets out to accomplish, lets dive into the ingredients and how it gets the job done! As always, SNS does a great job disclosing a full label with 100% transparency. Of course, no proprietary blends, just clinically dosed ingredients without the useless fillers.

Vitamin C: 250mg- We’ve all slammed Emergen-C or Vitamin C tablets along side orange juice and other citrus fruits as soon as we’ve felt a cold coming on. By now, almost everyone knows that Vitamin C is an extremely powerful antioxidant. Vitamin C, however. has been shown to do more than just work as an antioxidant to eliminate free radicals; studies suggest that it can increase blood flow, lower general oxidation, regulate cortisol levels and have neuroprotective effects. Vitamin C is the foundation of which all immune support products should be built upon. Notice that Immune Support XT does not put an exorbitant amount of Vitamin C in the product as well. At just 250mgs you’re receiving 278% of the daily recommended value which is enough to provide a very positive impact, especially since many other health products and foods are fortified with Vitamin C.
Zinc: 10mg- Another essential mineral, Zinc plays a key role in multiple body functions such as brain function, immune system, and testosterone support. So, what makes it important for Immune Support XT? Zinc plays a role in antioxidant enzymes and has been shown to reduce frequency of contracting an illness. On top of that, Zinc plays a huge role in balancing electrolytes, hormones, and can improve symptoms of depression or improve acne if zinc levels are low. Zinc is lost through sweat so if you‘re an athlete, or someone who does not consume red meat, eggs, or legumes, supplementing with a product like Immune Support XT can play a pivotal role in regaining quality of life. 10mg of zinc is about 67% of the recommended daily value, and studies have shown that supplementing around 25mg-45mg per day is safe and can be crucial for those who are at risk of being zinc deficient.
Elderberry Extract (10:1): 500mg- Elderberries are known for their antioxidant properties and have been shown to reduce the duration AND severity of colds. A few human trials have also shown that Elderberry extract has been show to reduce the symptoms of the flu as well! Studies also suggest that Elderberry can play a role in reduction of systemic inflammation and have additional immune boosting properties, cardioprotective properties, and have been shown to reduce stress and its impact on your ability to stay healthy. As an ingredient that has been used for hundreds of years and has undergone human trials, Elderberry is a must have when cold and flu season roll around.
Black Currant: 500mg- Black Currant is sort of the swiss-army knife of ingredients in Immune Support XT. Studies have shown that Black Currant contains high levels of Vitamins C, antioxidants, polyphenols, anthocyanins, and more! These compounds protect antioxidants and can help strengthen the immune system as well as relieve symptoms of a cold or flu. Studies have shown Black Currant to have antimicrobial, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory properties as well as support muscular health + endurance, improved blood flow and gastrointestinal integrity. When paired with Elderberries, these two ingredients provide some of the strongest and most potent natural antioxidants properties on the market!
Olive Leaf Extract (20% Oleuropein): 400mg- We’ve raved over Olive Leaf Extract in several weight loss products we’ve reviewed, but Oleuropein also has an interesting mechanism that creates anti-inflammatory, neuroprotective and regenerative effects. In a 2017 study that tested various effects related to oleuropein supplementation, one study suggested that it can reduce oxidative damage in the area of the brain that is most affected by neurodegeneration in Parkinson’s disease. Studies also suggest that oleuropein is the ONLY anti-inflammatory component that can be extracted from olive leaves and be effective at a low concentration. Studies also suggest that oleuropein can be cardioprotective, improve blood sugar regulation, thyroid function, and other effects that can lead to fat loss! Its widely studied as well as an antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, and antiparasitic in addition to serving as an antioxidant. Olive Leaf Extract is another powerhouse in this formula.

Echinacea angustifolia Extract (4% Echinacosides): 250mg- Another exciting and promising ingredient in Immune Support XT, Echinacea is a plant whose roots have been used for years in traditional medicine. Daily Echinacea is commonly used as a preventative for the common cold as studies have shown that it can reduce the odds of developing a cold by 58% and reduce the duration of a cold by up to 4 DAYS! Along with its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antiviral properties, some studies suggest that Echinacea can also treat and improve the effects of serious upper respiratory effects. Much like the other ingredients in Immune Support XT, Echinacea provides a host of other benefits including anxiety management, controlling healthy blood sugar levels, reducing inflammation, and reducing blood pressure.
Grape Seed Extract (90% polyphenols): 25mg- Last but certainly not least, Grape Seed Extract rounds out this formula. Grape Seed Extract is another antioxidant compound that is commonly added to supplements to increase the overall level of antioxidants in the body. Aside from its antioxidant properties, Grape Seed Extract also provides anti-inflammatory effects, improved joint health, collagen synthesis, blood pressure control, and much more. Much like Black Currant extract, Grape Seed Extract has been shown to provide a multitude of benefits all the while being dosed between 25-50mgs.
Price Point: Immune Support XT is available direct from SNS and is currently on sale for the very low price of $24.99 (regularly $34.99) For less than a dollar per serving, you’re getting over a one-month supply of one of the strongest and most effective immune support products on the market. This isn’t a run of the mill multivitamin that mega doses low quality vitamins and minerals, this is a do-it-all powerhouse that we think can really be a difference maker when it comes to keeping you in the game year round; you don’t have to accept being stuck in bed, missing work, school, sports, or the gym for 2-3 weeks every year just because you catch a bad cold or the flu.

Our Thoughts: SNS has paved the way for a new genre of sports nutrition supplementation with one of their newest products, Immune Support XT. If you’re someone who has a busy life, constantly stressed, or you’re struggling to eat healthy and constantly feeling run down, you’re stacking the odds against yourself when it comes to the risk factors of getting sick. In an economy where sick days are hard to come by and even harder to bounce back from, taking control of your well-being needs to become a priority. Immune Support XT can provide you with the vitamins, minerals, and powerful antioxidants to keep your body running in tip-top shape and help ward off any such illnesses. As if keeping your immune system primed wasn’t important enough, you can do this for just over 50 cents per day! Comparing that to the cost of an average doctors visit plus various medicines when you’re sick; we definitely know which option we’d choose! Control what you can, let go of what you can’t, and pick up a bottle or two of SNS Immune Support XT for the next couple months to start (and stay) feeling your best!