Review: Spice Up Your Life with FuegoBox!
Let’s face it, hot sauce and the fitness industry seem to go hand in hand. You could pull up any YouTube video of a fitness model, bikini athlete, or Olympia competitor meal prepping, and chances are that while they are in their prep, one of the only condiments they can use is hot sauce.
Enter FuegoBox

We aren’t hot sauce connoisseurs, but as athletes we do know a thing or two about eating clean, and eating well!
Even if you aren’t a competitor in prep, it seems like EVERYONE now-a-days loves varying levels of hot sauces and spicy condiments. And let’s be real just for a second—Frank’s Red Hot can only do it for you for so long before you get sick of it and start looking for something else to tantalize your taste buds. Modern Athletic Health did a little searching and found an awesome monthly club that ensures you’ll never get stuck with one hot sauce for months on end. Introducing FuegoBox, the monthly craft and small batch hot sauce delivery service that shows up on your doorstep every month. Fuego Box is perfect for those who love to venture out of the ordinary sauces and try something new, exciting, and maybe even a little too spicy! So, what is Fuego Box and how does it work? What is Fuego Box? As we said before, Fuego Box is a monthly hot sauce club that ships you anywhere from 1-3 full sized (5oz+) bottles of hot sauce per month, and sometimes you receive additional samples as well (4 different hot sauces in one box!). Your first box, The Welcome Box includes either 1 full sized hot sauce or 3 smaller full-sized hot sauces, and a mini tasting notebook.

The notebook is actually pretty awesome and allows you to keep track of what you liked, disliked, and any notes about the hot sauce. This makes it perfect for the sauce connoisseur in your life who gets real serious about their craft condiments.
In addition to the tasting notebook, they have a program on Instagram: if you use their exclusive hashtag and show 33 of their different hot sauces, you get your next box absolutely free! We will do the math for you; show Instagram your first 11 boxes and sauces and the 12th one is on the house. After your initial box, you will receive 1 or 3 full sized bottles of hot sauce in each box until you decide to renew / change programs or cancel. Fuego box offers 3 different options for their subscription box:
• For Sauce Addicts- $29.95 3 Hot Sauces/month: This option gets you 3 brand new full-sized bottles of hot sauces every 30 days. They offer a pay as you go plan OR you can pre-pay months in advance and save a few dollars off your bill. With the 3 hot sauces per month plan, you are also getting free shipping and no other hidden fees.
• For Sauce Lovers- $29.95 3 hot sauces/quarter: This option gets you 3 brand new full sized hot sauces every 90 days rather than every 30 days. Again, this plan allows you to pay as you go or pre-pay to save some money when you are billed. You also get free shipping with the deal and can cancel at any time.
• For Those who are Dipping Their Toes In- $12.95 1 Sauce/month: This plan gets you one sauce shipped every single month. This plan bills and renews monthly and only offers a pay-as-you-go option. Also, shipping will be $5/month for this option but you still have the choice to cancel any time. Realistically, if you start with this option, you’re more than likely going to bump up to one of the 3 bottles/month options in no time! We encourage you to opt for the Sauce Lover or Sauce Addict Plan and use discount code MAH1 for $10 off your first box ! The value is simply too good not to take one of these plans.

One of the coolest things about FuegoBox and their mission is that they stay away from “gimmicky hot sauces” and focus on flavor, rather than sauces that will take your breath away. They recognize that the boxes aren’t cheap, but realistically, you’re paying for small batch hand crafted hot sauces that will last you probably close to a month (unless you truly are an addict). They guarantee that you won’t find the contents in their 3-bottle box at a cheaper price if you try to buy them individually, that’s why we recommend the 3-bottle box subscription. Another awesome service they offer is their Hot Sauce Store. If you find a hot sauce that you really love in your subscription box, you can buy it individually on their hot sauce store. Their Hot Sauce Store also has a pretty slick filter that allows you to quickly find a sauce based on heat or flavor. From what we have been able to sample so far, you’re going to want to jump on the 3-bottle option right away. What did this month’s box look like? Within your box, you will receive your 1 or 3 sauces and also a card that tells you more about the sauce(s). On this card you’ll find ingredients, flavor profiles, and another cool “pairing options” list that recommends what each sauce goes well with. As you see in the sauce tasting notebook(pic), you are able to keep track of and check the different sauces and make notes about your thoughts with each bottle. The bottles that we received in our introductory and first month box are sauces we have NEVER found before as well! Some sauces are even produced exclusively for FuegoBox and cannot be bought anywhere else.

With Christmas coming up, FuegoBox would sure make for a great gift that keeps on giving throughout the year. Buying a subscription for the sauce lover in your life is quick and convenient for you and will certainly be a hit with the recipient! Right now, when visiting the FuegoBox website, you can get $10 off of your first order by using code MAH1 (1 not 10). That lowers your first box to around $6-7 per bottle which is pretty cheap for a delicious hand-crafted bottle of hot sauce. Making FuegoBox a stocking stuffer or a last second gift is sure to please anyone. If you already have your gifts picked out for this holiday season, then treat yourself by ordering one of the 3-bottle boxes with your discount! Overall, we were very impressed with FuegoBox and all that it offers. This isn’t just your run of the mill condiment of the month club, FuegoBox is the real deal for those who love hot sauce and food . Not only are you getting 3 full sized hand-crafted bottles of hot sauce but you’re getting a nifty hot sauce notebook, hot sauce guides, and occasionally, free samples. FuegoBox’s presentation is clean and their packing and shipping is of a very high quality. FuegoBox has excellent customer service on their website as well and are always open to questions and concerns regarding the products shipped or their services. We loved all of the hot sauces that we sampled this month and are already looking forward to what they are offering in the boxes for next month!