Safflower Oil And Your Heart: A Match Made In Heaven

Many people have asked as to why G Butter contains safflower oil instead of canola oil, olive oil, or sunflower oil, etc. The answer is simple - safflower oil is the only oil clinically proven to burn fat! A clinical study at Ohio State University was conducted on overweight post-menopausal women with diabetes. After 16 weeks, the group of women who consumed safflower oil as opposed to other oils had the greatest reduction in body fat.
Oil is concentrated with polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats. Although most oils contain polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats (these are good fats), Safflower oil contains a special polyunsaturated fat called cis-linoleic acid. Cis-linoleic acid stimulates brown fat cells. These fat cells are not kept within your adipose tissue (visible body fat) but when activated these brown fat cells help burn white fat cells. Overall, they help in burning excess body fat! Another great advantage of using safflower oil is its power to help decrease insulin (blood sugar) levels in your blood stream where as most snack foods usually do just the opposite. This makes safflower oil a great addition in a diabetics' diet.
As a health conscious consumer, it is important to know in what and how your food is cooked. Therefore, knowing what type of oil is used in the preparation of your food products is critical. So, remember safflower oil is a heart healthy oil and the only oil used in making your delicious G Butter!
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