Raspberry-Coconut Chocolate Protein Fudge
This is a great Valentines Day Treat for you fit couples out there!

Made with PEScience Select Milk Chocolate Protein
Grab your own 27 serving or 55 serving tub for 30% off at pescience.com with discount code "driven" Ingredients: 1 scoop Select milk chocolate protein 1 cup coconut oil 5 tbsp coconut flour 200g raspberries 4 cups 0% greek yogurt 1 tbsp stevia (or other, to taste) 3 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder Directions: Blend or process the raspberries and empty into a mixing bowl Microwave your coconut oil to melt and be clear Add that, and all other ingredients and mix well, whisk or even beat it together until thick and smooth Transfer to a 10x8 (8x8 works) dish lined with wax paper, freeze 4+ hours Let thaw enough to cut, cut into 30+ fudge pieces and either refreeze to enjoy later or enjoy right away
*These will get melty if left out too long
Calories per cube: 93 (recipe makes 30) 4g protein, 3g carbs (1 fiber), 7.5g fat

Made with PEScience Select Milk Chocolate Protein
Grab your own 27 serving or 55 serving tub for 30% off at pescience.com with discount code "driven"