Electromyography (EMG) Activity for Back Training
Electromyography (EMG) Activity
You’re heading to the gym with your mind set on having a successful back day. You know what you want to accomplish in the gym but are confused on what exercises to perform. With the numerous options for back movements, regarding the Latissimus Dorsi for this segment, you could certainly go into the gym without a plan -- hit numerous different movements – and have a successful back day, correct? Well, I am a big believer in knowing exactly what should be accomplished in the gym prior to even starting the session.
Below I will break down some of the highest electromyography (EMG) activity movements for muscle activity in the Latissimus Dorsi (lats):
Machine/cable assisted movements:
Lat-pulldown to the sternum using a narrow underhand grip with a slight lean backwards
Be sure to use anywhere from just outside a shoulder width grip to just inside a shoulder width grip
A slight lean backwards meaning, push chest up and pull bar down to upper chest/sternum area
Slowly lower weight (eccentric portion) back down to allow for maximal stretch in the lats

Lat-pulldown to the neck using a shoulder-width overhand grip staying upright
Pull bar behind the head to the upper neck
Keep upright, no lean back
Keep chest up and muscles tight

Dumbbell/Barbell row in the bent over position using an underhand grip with the arms close to the torso and palms facing to the front
Using either a single arm or bi-lateral set up
Keep back parallel to the ground
Pull elbows back and up to activate lats

Bodyweight movements:
Pull-up to the neck using a wide overhand grip
Pull up behind the head to the neck
Keep elbows flared out

Pull up to the sternum using a wide underhand grip
Keep chest up
Come down to just before lock-out
Hold contraction for a one-count

Pull up to the sternum using a wide overhand grip
Keep chest up
Come down to just before lock-out
Hold contraction for a one-count