Supplement Spotlight: SNS Alpha-Y

SNS Alpha Yohimbine contains Rauwolscine, a potent type of plant alkaloid that has become very popular in many energy and weight loss products because of its potential energy and fat loss benefits. SNS Alpha Yohimbine allows users to incorporate this popular ingredient into their supplement regimens as a single ingredient product so that they can customize their dosage to fit their individual needs.
Alpha Yohimbine/Rauwolscine Highlights: - Burn Fat - Suppress Appetite - Increase Libido - Elevate Mood - Long Lasting Energy
We live in a world of excess where more is frequently regarded as better. But as with so many things in life, the truth is that isn’t the case with Alpha Yohimbine/Rauwolscine dosing.
Don’t let looks be deceiving – Rauwolscine/Alpha Yohimbine is a very strong ingredient and 1.5 mg. is an effective dosage for most people that use this ingredient. As a matter of fact, most of your ‘hardcore’ pre-workouts that are considered too strong by many users only use 1.5 to 2.5 mg. per serving.
SNS Alpha Yohimbine contains 1.5 mg. per capsule in order to allow you to customize your dosage to your individual needs.

About Rauwolscine/Alpha Yohimbine: Rauwolscine is classified as an alpha-2 antagonist, which means that it is thought to help block alpha-2 receptor stimulation which may help the body to release more norepinephrine and prevent the formation of new fat tissues.
This can be especially important for fat loss because the human body has many alpha-2 receptors. For men, alpha-2 receptors are typically found in the abdominal area and for women they are typically found in the glutes or buttocks region.
A nice added plus for some is that while many stimulant and fat loss ingredients have a tendency to lower libido, Rauwolscine is thought to have aphrodisiac properties in some people.
Alpha Yohimbine – Important for what it IS & for what it ISN’T: Rauwolscine is important for what it is and also for what it isn’t. Rauwolscine bears a resemblance to Yohimbine, another popular energy and fat loss ingredient, but unlike Yohimbine, Rauwolscine isn’t reported to cause anxiety or the jitters that some people experience when using regular Yohimbine.
Grab a bottle of SNS Alpha Y at DPS Nutrition and use DPS10 for 20% OFF!